Make and Use a Windlass – Wolf Elective 8d

This is on page 151 of the Cub Scout Wolf Manual. It shows a simple windlass, but doesn’t really explain the concept of the windlass. I had no ideas, so I looked it up.

What is a Windlass?

From Wikipedia:

The windlass is an apparatus for moving heavy weights. Typically, a windlass consists of a horizontal cylinder (barrel), which is rotated by the turn of a crank or belt. A winch is affixed to one or both ends, and a cable or rope is wound around the winch, pulling a weight attached to the opposite end.

Ok so what is a winch: (also from Wikipedia)

A winch is a mechanical device that is used to pull in (wind up) or let out (wind out) or otherwise adjust the “tension” of a rope or wire rope (also called “cable” or “wire cable”). In its simplest form it consists of a spool and attached hand crank.

Images are at:
Here is a resource: Easy Science Magazine put out by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement. On page four, there is an article called “Get A Lift.”

They have a number of issues available with many topics that would be helpful for other science projects:

In my search for windlass information, I found some more helpful scoutting sites:
In this search I found the website for Pack 152 out of Kingsport, TN. They have a lot of good references for scout activities, awards and acheivements.

This scouting district (Moore district out of North Carolina) has an excellent forms page.

I have not explored this site much yet, good information with the pins and loops.

Here is a good page from the US Government with helpful ideas for kids!


Update on the Windlass

My husband worked with my son to build a windlass. I gave him a copy of the wolf scout manual page, a print out of the South African newsletter with their windlass instructions and an empty, cleaned milk carton (for the cub scout manual directions.)

My husband (who has been buying my son toys since birth that HE wants to play with) said they would use our son’s Erector Set (purchased when said son was 6 months old).

After 15 minutes, my son came into the house looking for a pencil and paper clip. Husband brought in a small (Fancy Feast) cat food can from recycling and washed it out again. They followed the manual’s instructions and made a nice windlass. It is now sitting on my desk – I may put flowers in the can.

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2 Responses to Make and Use a Windlass – Wolf Elective 8d

  1. Kate says:

    Excellent explanations! I also have been looking at that same page wondering if I should bother trying to get the stuff together for the boys to make during a scout meeting…or not. I figure that if we combine it with the “Your Living World” section (requirement 7) we can talk about how to reuse things as well? …I dunno…. But thanks for the nice photo as well!

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