Weigh In Results

This was not a good weekly weigh in. I gained. Boy did I gain. Granted I did not gain back ALL of the weight I have lost, but it was discouraging. I gained 2.8 lbs.
What is discouraging is that this was 4 weeks worth of weight loss regained in ONE week. It is so discouraging.
Technically I was not off program last week. I didn’t weigh and measure as well as I should, but estimating is one of the things the program teaches. The things I did wrong:
1. Ate most of my weekly points (I can’t do this and loose weight)
2. Didn’t get enough moderate activity in (I think I need to get one point of moderate activity in each day)
3. Ate after noon of my weigh in day. (I tend to do better if I stop eating at noon and stop drinking at 2)
None of these are really part of the plan, but they are things that I know about my body and what it now takes for me to loose weight. I just need to follow them and not be tempted by — cheese (it was the downfall this last week.)
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